Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Sound of Music.

It's the last week of my senior musical.
I've done every Musical since 7th grade.
These musicals are how I met my best friends.
I Don't knwo where I would be if it weren't for these musicals.
Each year, it teaches me something more. It teaches me how to budget my time, how convey a story, how to be someone else, how to be myself, how to be proud of all I am.
I have myself almost in tears as I write this. I know by the end I will probably flood the keyboard I'm typing on.
I from Annie to the Sound of Music. These years of acting and songs have nothing but blessed all that I am.
The musical has always been the highlight of my year. Starting each year with excitment, and a feeling of accomplishment.
I can just feel it now, The feeling of the lights as the curtain opens. The Rush of knowing the whole rooms eyes are on me as I sing to them as the story progresses.
To sing and dance. Convey passion, pain and joy to the audience.
This is my last year. I have finally figured out the system of the stage, I have the feel of that floor, those lights, that room in my blood. And this is my last year I will preform on that stage. That dear small, but beautiful stage.
This is the last year that I will act with those friends that I have been acting with for 6 years now.... We have been just a team. Working hard to get to where we are. I can just feel the excitment of my sophomore year. The Year we were the underdogs. We were places parall to the seniors. We had alot to live up to, and did we ever live up to it!! Through the story of Fiddler on the Roof we learned to love, we learned to laugh. We said good bye. We shed tears, and we looked forward to that year in the future when it would be our show. When we would rule that cast. Our Senior show, it seemed so far away, sooo special. But now it's here. We're running the show like we thought we would. Putting it all together, getting little sleep to make sure we have everything, and enjoying every second of it.
It will soon be over though.. I can't wrap my mind around it. Before I know it we will be standing on that stage taking a bow. Tears running down our cheeks as we not only say good bye to Austria as The Van Trapp family, but also to the Musicals.

The Musical.... These musicals have made me who I am today.
I get to go up there and be Liesl Van Trapp, with my family. Not just my Van Trapp family, but my musical family. We have sung and danced together, fought and cried, laughed and loved together. It's been amazing. I love you all with every ounce of myself.

Thinking about annie, my mind is baffled, I was the little one, that looked up to all the seniors. The Seniors I remember soo well that probably don't even knwo who I am anymore.

Going back to Joseph, OH! I learned sooo much! I met new people! Those seventh grade boys that came up behind us! How amazing they are! Those voices!

Music man, we were beginning to leave our mark. Fightign to grow our parts, our passion. Putting so much time and energy! Forming friendships.

Dearest Fiddler. We were the underdogs. The cast that was supposed to be the weak link. We were all young, Mostly freshman and sophomores. I almost didn't do fiddler. I thank the lord that I did. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't. I was Yente! I babbling Old lady with an amazing Senior double to help me through.

Junior year was Babes in Arms. I learned to be myself. I learned to love. It was an amazing year! I wonderful show. I fought many battles, overcame soo many things. Babes in Arms.

Sound of Music. This show has been unlike any other show. But it has been amazing. I get to act with my best friends, side by side. In a family. I get to act and sing with a my nazi. A dear friend, that is a dear friend because of the musical.
I Don't know what I would do with out any of my ''play" friends. They are amazing.

I'm Going to miss this show, and all the shows in the past. I can't believe all we've done, all we're leaving behind, and all that's to come for up. I'm sooo excited.
It will be amazing. I hope to see you there!

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